The future of Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un’s curious relationship

“Singapore gave Kim Jong -un dignity and the belief that the United States is coming to his senses and talking to me on my own terms,” ​​says Mr Seller.

“They came to the table expecting, because they were coaching, we quietly, through South Koreans, who were saying, Donald Trump is politically disappointed, he is no longer listening to John Bolton. They are willing to agree on a deal with the restrictions.

But the president was also briefed. He was told that the North could still produce uranium at a enrichment center near Pyongyang. The United States said it was monitoring other sites that were thought to be in the north that they would be kept secret for some time.

Trump later said, “I think he was surprised that we know.”

The contract that Kim presented was nothing, but it was not so good for the US president. “Kim Jong -un came to the table and had no plans,” says Mr Seller.

“So, when Donald Trump says we have to do more than that, Kim Jong Un is not completely complicated.”

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