4-year-old Wisconsin boy calls 911 after mom ate his ice cream

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There are some things in life you just don’t – like steal someone’s ice cream.

So when the mother of a 4 -year -old boy did so in Wisconsin, he took himself to teach him a lesson: calling 911.

Last Tuesday, the police were sent to Mount Plains, Wi for a hangup of 911, after which a little boy had to say that his mother had to be locked up. Local police.

According to a recording, the 4 -year -old told the 911 dispatched, “My mother is getting worse.” Acquired by CNN affiliated WTMJ.

“OK, what’s going on?” The sender asked. The boy replied, “Come and take my mother.”

Then the culprit called – calling on his son’s harsh objections – and told the sender, “Oh, got this small phone, and he is four years old.”

After seconds he confessed: “I ate his ice cream, so maybe that’s why he is calling 911.” His son can be heard in the background discussing his case. He was not pleased.

Officers went to the family’s house to ensure that theft of ice cream did not cover a more serious situation.

When the officers arrived, the boy confirmed that his mother ate his ice cream and again demanded that he go to jail for him.

Police say he was pleased to have not suppressed the allegations, telling them that he did not want his mother behind bars and only wanted some ice cream.

Two days later, the officers were banned, the young whistle was surprised by the two scoops of ice cream with a blue spraying.

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