If you want to catch some shoots, use calm mode to completely prevent any surrounding noise. It also comes with familiar mood so that you can hear everything around you * and * your lyrics. The third mode, immersion mode, gives you a local audio so you can feel that you are on the Gates World Tour.
Promise Review: “These headphones are a game hanger. As a faster and busy domestic house, as a lovely passenger, frequent passenger, and love of movies, these headphones have improved my audio experiences in ways I never knew. First and importantly, the cancellation of the noise is unparalleled. When you put them, the outside world ends. However, it still offers the ability to be aware of your surroundings without stopping your audio. If you are traveling, you don’t have to worry about going to the headphone, because battery life is incredible. As all the kiss products have advanced craftmanship and quality advanced. I feel reluctant to buy Bose Headphones in the past because I just didn’t think I could make a lot of difference. I was wrong I am excited to get these headphones, and it has added a lot to my entertainment enjoyment.” – –Pose
Get them from Amazon 9 429 (Available in five colors).