The winners of 2025 of the Social Impact Research and Out Reich Awards were announced today by the Zimpel Main College of Business at Drake University. This annual program recognizes college teachers and staff who deal with issues facing society in society and work in society. Each of the three winning submissions will receive an award through Larry and Katie Zimpleman – which costs $ 5,000.
“Where business increases the value in society, especially for those of us who believe in the power of free market,” said Harnands, Dean of Zimpel Main College of Business. “Recognizing the positive social impact of our faculty this year’s focus is to change Drake’s lives and strengthen communities.”
The winners and their work are included:
Landy Folat: Take advantage of data analysis to enhance the Wesley Life Food on Wheel Service
Students used publicly available to create a predictive model in two Fall 2024 sections of Dr. Folat’s State 172 data mining and general linear model course. The food of Wesley’s life on the wheel The program shows how to expand its services ahead of Polk County to remove the food insecurity of rural senior citizens. This outreach work is effectively associated with the UN’s sustainable developmental round (SDG) 2 (zero appetite).

Clear Muselman: Use a data -driven story to advance your mission to empower non -profit
Dr. Maselman developed a training program to enhance the effectiveness of communication for non -profit staff Counting of shelter animalsWhich works as a clearing house for animal shelter statistics. This project is related to SDG3 (good health and fitness) because animal welfare is closely linked to social health, mental fitness for individuals and social harmony. Training has counted the empowered shelter of the animals to make complex data accessible, relevant and forced. As a result, the organization saw an increase of more than $ 500,000 to $ 2.5 million in fundraising by the end of 2024.

Ina Purvanova: Adopt dynamically diversity training to meet the needs of participants and produce better results
Dr. Porunova and his participants use the approach to identify the utility of the development of various diversity training programs for men and women, especially when some of them are suspicious of diversity training. This research, which has been published in a high quality educational journal, has the ability to impress many people who work in diversity training firms. In the post of work Applied Psychology: an International Review And its alignment for SDG5 (gender equality) distinguished the scholarship.