On March 15, “everything you think is the wrong day”. A strange (UN) official holiday that reminds us of all of us to be humbled that we are all eligible for mistakes. It was formed for help ”Some people realize that they are not always well. And “considering our own lack of knowledge.” And especially in the world of health, Incorrect information is more common than before And spreads online easily. So let’s take this opportunity to eliminate the opportunity that has some general health myths.
Matrick 1: Vaccine causes autism
One of the most healthy (and dangerous) health myths of health is claiming that vaccines are responsible for autism. Under Robert F. Kennedy Junior, a decades -long anti -vaccine worker who is now head of the US Department of Health and Human Services, is expanding his research on long -term links between vaccine and autism. The previous years of research have already found a zero relationship between vaccine and autism. There are a number of reasons for which some people still believe in this fiction, including the expansion of the quality used to diagnose autism and maximum awareness, resulting in more documentary matters, and the trend of autism is the trend of the influence of the incidence of both the time, which is evident.
Matrick 2: All vitamin supplements are helpful and harmless
Yes, it is sometimes advised to take supplement, especially for pregnant women, which can prevent folic acid, which can prevent some congenital defects, or vitamin D if you are low in these nutrients. But your kidney and liver health LOOs can damage too much nutritional supplements, and since the supplement industry is largely irregular, working products as “immune booster” or “gut support” are not always supported by research. (And, no, vitamin A cannot stop measles.) That is why they must be taken under the guidance of a health care provider, especially if you are taking more than one supplement.
Mutk 3: A glass of red wine is good for you
Can that glass of red wine with dinner can be beneficial for your heart? This is definitely a charming idea that looks (and in fact) it is great to be true. Receptionarol – a substance found in red grapes, and therefore, in red wine – have antioxidant properties and potential cardiovascular benefits, but the evidence that shows that red alcohol helps prevent heart disease is quite weak. Also, you will need to drink a ridiculous amount of red wine to get any of these antioxidant benefits, and alcohol in red wine potentially negates any kind of sophistication. This brings us to our next story …
Matrick 4: Moderate alcohol is healthy
For years, one of the most famous myths in health was that moderate wine – whose CDC describes drinking a day for women a day and two drinks a day for men – was good for you and it was better than avoiding alcohol. But later research studies supported the claims of this claim, and now the general consensus is that alcohol is not a healthy tank. In fact, the World Health Organization says that no quantity of alcohol is healthy, and a slight lack of drinking can reduce the risk of some of your cancer and chronic diseases.
Matrick 5: Only women have breast cancer
Although men are less likely to have breast cancer than women (less than 1 % of all breast cancer diagnostics), they are still sensitive. If diagnosed, breast cancer can be more fatal in men, A 2019 study Find out that the mortality rate is 19 % higher than women in breast cancer patients. Men should see their health care personality immediately if they see symptoms such as a change in the skin or nipple or a lump near the chest.
Meth 6: When you are sunglasses you only need sunscreen
You may think that when you have the sun in its strongest place, you only need to apply the sun screen in the depths of the summer. But as the Yahoo Life Editor and a lifetime sunscreen evangelist Rachel Grome Binder always says, protecting your skin should be a year -long commitment. Experts say that the most damage to the ultra -violet (UV) rays does not only come from the days of the hard beach, but not many sun exposure moments. And even when it is cloudy, most UV rays will still be penetrated – especially if the cloud cover is thin.
Matrick 7: Being obesity means you are unhealthy
It should be said that we should not make snap decisions based on their weight about people’s health. While the higher amount of body fat – especially in your middle part – often you can put you at high risk of chronic diseases and some cancer development, this does not necessarily mean that you currently have health problems. Even the body mass index, which is currently the basic tool used to measure obesity, is now considered to be a poor method of evaluating health by many experts.
Mutk 8: Your hand cleanser will save you from all germs
Many of us became a hand -sanitiser who became the pandemic during the epidemic, but unfortunately, those small prisons only offer so much protection. Although alcohol -based hand cleansers can kill some pathogens, they are not good at eliminating the “non -envelope virus” such as the Noro virus, which has a stiff, protein -based shell that makes it ineffective to hand -cleansing. It doesn’t matter what virus you are expecting, washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds is always a better defense.
Mutk 9: Breaking up your Naxals causes arthritis
Crack, crack. The voice of popping nokles – which is clinically known as cryptitus – can feel satisfactory and disturbing for others. This is also a common habit, with Up to 54 % People say they break their knots. But experts had previously told Yahoo Life, “There is no evidence that pop or cracking your joints causes arthritis.” However, if you suffer from pain or discomfort with these sounds, this is a sign that you should meet a doctor to examine any injury or joint damage.
Matk 10: To stay healthy you need to walk 10,000 steps a day
For decades, the traditional wisdom was that you need to get more and more health of 10,000 steps (equal to 5 miles) every day. If it looks like an impossible task, here’s some good news: you can get big benefits from walking very little, recent reviews have shown that only 3,143 steps can avoid premature death – and even more than 2,200 stages (or about 1 mile) is less than a low death and cardiovascular disease. As a bonus, try to take the natural path. Walking in nature can affect fear and encourage mindset.